Eduvos Textbook List

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Software Engineering) - Campus Full Time

BScITSE - FT - 2024 - Intake 1 - Year 2

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Software Engineering) - Campus Full Time - Year 2

Course Name Textbook Name Module Type Module Class Module Code Edition Print ISBN Ebook ISBN Publisher Textbook Requirement Type
IT Project Management Information Technology Project Management Core Core ITPMA2 9 9781337101356 9781337515856 Cengage Learning .
Mobile Application Development and Big Data Mobile Applications Development with Android: Technologies and Algorithms Core Core ITMBA2 1 9781498761864, 1498761860 9781498761871, 1498761879 Chapman & Hall .
Network Security Network Security. Firewalls. and VPNs Core Core ITNSA2 3 9781284183658 9781284193343 Jones & Bartlett Learning .
Software and Security Engineering Security for Software Engineers Core Core ITSSA2 1 9780367656812, 0367656817 9780429014420, 0429014422 Chapman & Hall .
Software Process, Architecture Design and Quality Assurance Software Engineering. Global Edition Core Core ITSEA2 10 9781292096131 9781292096148 Pearson .
Usability Engineering Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction Core Core ITUEA2 6 781119901099, 111990109X. eText ISBN 9781119901112, 1119901111 John Wiley & Sons P&T .
Web Server Management Mastering Windows Server 2019: The Complete Guide for System Administrators to Install. Manage. and Deploy New Capabilities with Windows Server 2019 Core Core ITCOA2 3 9781801078313 9781801079341 Packt Publishing .
Database Systems Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management Core Fundamental ITDSA2 14 9780357673034 9780357673096 Cengage Learning .
Programming in Java (elective) Java Programming Elective Group Group 1: Elective Module 1 ITJVA2 10 9780357675533 9780357673423 Cengage Learning .
Programming in C# (elective) Microsoft Visual C#: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Elective Group Group 1: Elective Module 2 ITPCA2 7 9781337102100 Cengage Learning Required.
Programming in Python (elective) Learn Python Programming: An In-Depth Introduction to the Fundamentals of Python Elective Group Group 1: Elective Module 3 ITAPA2 3 97818018150 n/a Packt Publishing .
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (elective) Data Structures and Algorithms in Java: International Student Version Elective Group Group 2: Elective Module 1 ITDJA2 6 9781118808573 9781118808368 Wiley .
Data Structures and Algorithms in C# C# Data Structures and Algorithms Elective Group Group 2: Elective Module 2 ITDCA2 1 9781788833738 9781788834681 Packt Publishing .
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Elective Group Group 2: Elective Module 3 ITDPA2 1 9781118290279 9781118549582 Wiley .