Eduvos South Africa Welcomes International Students

Eduvos South Africa Welcomes International Students

Eduvos South Africa Welcomes International Students.

Post by Eduvos,  15 March 2023.

South Africa is one of the most diverse countries in the world, with so much to offer, from incredible landscapes, diverse cultures and rich history to world-class higher education. Our country has become a destination for international students looking to expand their educational opportunities.  

Eduvos offers quality affordable private higher education in South Africa and has welcomed and educated students from over 75 countries and counting. Our 12 multicultural campuses across the country have become gateways to global connectivity. 

Our flexible start dates ensure you don’t have to wait for the next 6 months to a year to enrol at Eduvos. We’ve got you covered with our 4 intakes, so that’s 4 opportunities for our future students (or Vossies) to set their future in motion and further their studies in the following months: February, May, July and October.  

At Eduvos you can choose from over 27 accredited qualifications, which are internationally recognised, across four faculties: Applied Science, Commerce & Law, Humanities and Information Technology. We have built strong relationships with local industries, allowing us to provide students with access to work experience and internships that can help kick-start their careers. 

International students, here are a few things you need to know to make your enrolment at Eduvos seamless. 

Enrolment Process: From Admission to Registration 

Here is a useful document that details the steps international students will need to take to enrol at Eduvos. You can also watch our video here. 

Permits and Study Visas 

Eduvos accepts, but is not limited to, the below permits, aligned with the various modes of learning available. Learn more about our Modes of Learning.  

Furthermore, each requires a different set of requirements to be acquired and maintain its validity. 

  • Study Visa  

  • Asylum Seeker of Refugee  

  • Relative Permit  

  • Diplomatic Visa  

  • General Work Visa  

  • Critical Skills Work Visa  

  • Business Visa   

International Students’ Responsibilities  

As an international student, you will need to take responsibility for the following, while studying in South Africa: 

Always be aware of your permit and passport expiry dates.     

Keep your passport and permit safe.   

Certify your permit and passport; these can be certified at any police station or commissioner of oath.   

Renewing your study visa has been simplified by South Africa, making it easier for our students. We recommend that you renew your visa at least 2 months prior to its expiry date.   

Remember, Eduvos will be there to help you along the way and understand the details of our enrolment process. By guiding you through the requirements for your admission and immigration while supporting you in familiarising yourself with the offered benefits and facilitating your integration into Eduvos and South Africa. We will be here every step of the way and will support you in integrating your culture into our Eduvos family. 

If you have any questions or if you need assistance, please contact our International Office at:  

Eduvos is committed to welcoming you and supporting your academic journey and growth. We look forward to partnering with you in your educational journey and focus on your academic excellence.    

Enrol Today!  

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