Eduvos Textbook List

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Software Engineering) - Campus Full Time

BScITSE - FT - 2024 - Intake 1 - Year 3

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (Software Engineering) - Campus Full Time - Year 3

Course Name Textbook Name Module Type Module Class Module Code Edition Print ISBN Ebook ISBN Publisher Textbook Requirement Type
Business Management and Entrepreneurship Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures in South Africa Core Core ITBEA3 2 9781473787360 9781473787384 Cengage Learning .
Object Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Systems Analysis and Design: An Object-Oriented Approach with UML Core Core ITOOA3 6 9781119559917 9781119561217 Wiley .
Project: Mobile Application and Web Services Mobile App Development for iOS and Android Core Core ITMDA3 3 9781943153916 9781943153909 Prospect Press .
Research Design and Methodology Research Methods in Education Core Core ITDMA3 8 9781138209886 9781315456515 Routledge .
Web Development and e-Commerce Textbook 1/2: E-Commerce 2020-2021: Business. Technology and Society Core Core ITECA3 17 9781292409313 9781292424903 Pearson .
Web Development and e-Commerce Textbook 2/2: Learning PHP. MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery. CSS & HTML5 Core Core ITECA3 6 9781492093824 9781492093770 O’Reilly Media. Inc.. .
Enterprise Programming in Java (elective) Java EE 8 Application Development Elective Group Elective Module 1 ITEJA3 1 9781788293679 n/a Packt publishing .
Enterprise Programming in C# (elective) Enterprise Application Architecture with .NET Core Elective Group Elective Module 2 ITEHA3 L/E 9781786468888 n/a Packt publishing .
Enterprise Programming in Python (elective) Hands-On Enterprise Application Development with Python: Design data-intensive Application with Python 3 Elective Group Elective Module 3 ITEPA3 L/E 9781789532364 n/a Packt publishing .
4IR Technologies The Fourth Industrial Revolution Core Fundamental ITTNA3 9780241300756 9781944835002 World EconomicForum .
Operating Systems Silberschatz's Operating System Concepts, Global Edition Core Fundamental ITOPA3 10 9781119454083 9781119455868 Wiley .