Eduvos Textbook List

Bachelor of Arts (Communication Science and English) - Online Part Time

BACSE - OPT - 2025 - Intake 2 - Year 2

Bachelor of Arts (Communication Science and English) - Online Part Time - Year 2

Course Name Textbook Name Module Type Module Class Module Code Edition Print ISBN Ebook ISBN Publisher Textbook Requirement Type
Communication Science 2A Integrated Marketing Communication. Core Core HUCSA2 1 9781432702717 No eBook Edge Education South Africa. Required.
Communication Science 2B Integrated Marketing Communication. Core Core HUCSB2 1 9781432702717 No eBook Edge Education South Africa. Required.
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 1/8: A Glossary of Literary Terms; any edition Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used 9781285465067 9781473713260 Cengage Learning .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 2/8: Canterbury Tales (textbook provided by lecturer) (OPEN SOURCE) Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used n/a n/a n/a .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 3/8: She Stoops to Conquer; any edition (OPEN SOURCE) Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used 9780582253971 No eBook Pearson .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 4/8: Renaissance Poetry (textbook provided by lecturer) Core Core HUENA2 Open source n/a n/a n/a .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 5/8: Pride and Prejudice; any edition (OPEN SOURCE) Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used 9780008195496 n/a Penguin .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 6/8: Dr Faustus (textbook provided by lecturer) (OPEN SOURCE Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used 9781420925869 n/a n/a .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 7/8: Wuthering Heights; any edition (OPEN SOURCE) Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used 9780008195519 No eBook Penguin .
English Literature Studies 2A Textbook 8/8: Hamlet; any edition Core Core HUENA2 Any edition can be used 9781316606735 n/a Penguin .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 1/7: The Color Purple; any edition Core Core HUENB2 Any edition can be used 9781474607254 n/a Jonathan Ball .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 2/7: Woza Albert; any edition Core Core HUENB2 Any edition can be used 9781350025080 n/a Jonathan Ball .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 3/7: Americanah; any edition Core Core HUENB2 Any edition can be used 9780007356348 n/a Harper Collins .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 4/7: Death of a Salesman; any edition Core Core HUENB2 Any edition can be used 9780141182742 No eBook Penguin .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 5/7: Washington Square; any edition Core Core HUENB2 Any edition can be used 9780141441368 No eBook Penguin .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 6/7: Recognition: An Anthology of South African Short Stories; any edition Core Core HUENB2 Latest edition 9781776140367 n/a Wits University Press .
English Literature Studies 2B Textbook 7/7: Poetry anthology pre-1930 (Provided by lecturer) Core Core HUENB2 No need for edition n/a n/a n/a .
Linguistics 2A Textbook 1/2: The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis Elective Group Elective Group 1 HUELA2 1 9780415709781 David Philip Publishers Required.
Linguistics 2A Textbook 2/2: Language in South Africa Elective Group Elective Group 1 HUELA2 3 9780521791052 9780511031465 Cambridge University Press Required.
Linguistics 2B Textbook 1/2: The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis Elective Group Elective Group 1 HUELB2 1 9780415709781 David Philip Publishers .
Linguistics 2B Textbook 2/2: Language in South Africa Elective Group Elective Group 1 HUELB2 3 9780521791052 9780511031465 Cambridge University Press .
Political Science 2A Introduction to International Political Economy Elective Group Elective Group 2 HUPSA2 7 9781138206991 n/a Jonathan Ball .
Political Science 2B Introduction to International Political Economy Elective Group Elective Group 2 HUPSB2 7 9781138206991 n/a Jonathan Ball .
Applied Ethics Textbook 1/2: A Companion to Applied Ethics Core Fundamental HUAEA2 2005 9781405133456 9781405171908 Wiley Required.
Applied Ethics Textbook 2/2: Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics Core Fundamental HUAEA2 2 9781118479391 9781118479872 Wiley Required.
Cultural Studies Introducing cultural studies Core Fundamental HUSCA2 3 9781138915725 No eBook Routledge .
Introduction to Coding for Humanities Exploratory Programming for the Arts and Humanities Core Fundamental HUCOA2 2 9780262044608 No eBook MIT Press Required.
Introduction to Research Mass Media Research: An Introduction Core Fundamental HUIRA2 10 9781133307334 9781285499796 Cengage Learning .
Marketing 2A Marketing Management. Global Edition Core Fundamental COMKA2 16 9781292404813 No eBook Pearson Required.
Marketing 2B Marketing Management. Global Edition Core Fundamental COMKB2 16 9781292404813 No eBook Pearson Required.